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“Nomad Nancy”, is the name my family has called me for the past four years of my life. Why, you ask? lol. Possibly, because this upcoming weekend is the eighth, yes EIGHTH time in four years that I will have moved. Now, I’m not quite sure what the Guinness Book of World Records is for how many times one person has moved in one decade… but DANG, I’m sure I’m fairly close to that record, lol.
Regardless of how many times anyone moves in their life, the moving process in general can tend to be dreary and substantial. I’m currently typing this, looking around in overwhelm of the copious amounts of decor, clothing and everyday “essentials” that, (let’s be honest… aren’t really essentials) have yet to be packed.
But hey, friend! No need to stress this next go around. I’m here to share with you, five quick and useful survival tips to completely compass your move so that you can confidently, peacefully and happily make your move! Trust me, if there’s anybody you can take these tips from.. it’s Nomad Nancy over here!
Tip #1: Plan Your New Design and Layout Before Your Move
When you’re moving to an entirely new building, city or state– you get to start from scratch. Blank slate. Square one. Take FULL ADVANTAGE of that “fresh start” feeling. Did you just go through a break up sis? Have some bad memories, vibes or juju? Say adios to ’em! You can choose new decor altogether.
Here’s the BIGGEST thing I’ve learned to do and it’s been genius every time that I’ve wanted a complete revamp.
Sale your items on Facebook Marketplace.

People LOVE to bargain shop on the FB Marketplace. My boyfriend is one of those said people, lol! The house we just remodeled has sooo many pieces of NEW hardware from sellers on there. So, people are interested! Don’t be hesitant to sell your stuff that you don’t want or won’t use!
Use the money you make off of those sales and buy new decor from Target, Bed Bath and Beyond and Urban Outfitters. I have a major love for Bohemian Home Decor and these three stores are my “go to”s for those!
Tip #2: Don’t Break the Bank for Packing Boxes
Have you ever gone to a big name moving company store and they charged you an arm and two legs for moving boxes?! Yeaaaah friend, I’ve been there too! Don’t fall for that.
Between a combination of two places, I just got all of the boxes I need for my move.
You can find great steals on moving/packing boxes at Lowe’s for a super cheap price. The medium boxes are roughly one dollar. The small boxes cost about eighty-eight cents. And truth be told, I didn’t even get the large boxes.. because once again, learn this from me… The large boxes end up being wayyyy too heavy for anyone to carry long distance!
I live on a third floor apartment and that’s been the case over the last three moves! Let’s just say my family and friends did not appreciate the HEAVY LARGE BOXES, lolll. (which brings me to tip #3 in just a minute!!)

If you are really on a tight budget and you work for a company who get supplies on a regular basis– see if you can take home the cardboard boxes that they come in before they get tossed into the recycling compactor! That’s the second opt I did! It ended up giving me about 10 boxes just from work!!
If these two options don’t work for you, alot of major retailers or grocery stores will store their boxes in the back once their products are unloaded from them. If you ask their security or management teams nicely, they may be willing to lend you a few. You could try out a few different stores and end up with the supply of boxes you need!
Tip #3: Hire a Professional Moving Company
As I mentioned above, my family and friends were NOT fond of the fact that I packed my large boxes so full that the tops were barely taped shut. Mind you, my parents are almost 60– I probably should have been more aware of the heaviness and logistics during the actual smushing of clothing articles and shoes, lol. However, a girls got to have ALL of her shoes!!
This go around, I’m giving my lovely parents a BYE week as we sports lovers would reference! I’ve decided that finally after SEVEN MOVES that we ought to look towards the professionals who specialize in moving heavier furniture, appliances and boxes.

Since I live in Nashville, TN, Moving Solutions is one of the highest rated movers in our area. And to be honest, I really to didn’t want to have to deal with the stress of finding friends to help us move this time! Then ya gotta have everyone over for pizza and beer! Love y’all but, COVID’s going around! This one was a no-brainer. Especially because they don’t to businesses effected by COVID. That is SO HUGE of a company. It speaks to their core values and it’s something I can completely stand behind.
I know with the five star rating of Moving Solutions that I wouldn’t have to worry about anyone lacking care of our furniture and belongings. These guys and gals take their jobs extremely professionally and they get the job done in a quick and efficient manner. Heck, if Dj and I ever decide to move cross country, I know exactly who we’ll be going with because they do long distance moving in Nashville, TN too!
Tip #4: Protect Your Floors
Wether the floors in your new place have been cleaned or not ( let’s hope they have, lol ) it’s a best practice to go ahead and protect them by laying down cardboard! This is a Type A, controlling, OCD tendency that I have! I’ll go ahead and admit it! BUT! It’s a great one to have.
You never know what kind of weather you’re going to have when it comes down to moving day!
I’ve moved in the rain before! So take this advice and lay down cardboard BEFORE the move. I do cardboard on the hardwood and either old carpet on the carpet or plastic ontop of the new carpet.
The only downfall with plastic ( the plastic wrapping type ) — is that it’s too flimsy and it can wrap up in itself once it’s been walked on too much! Cardboard and carpet will keep dirt, mud and water from your new and hopefully clean floors!

Tip #5: Label Your Boxes
I cannot tell you how many times I have packed and moved without labeling which box goes to which room. You can imagine the emoji with the smoke coming out of the ears right now, can’t you?! Yes, exactly, that was me! lol.
Has this ever been you?! Well, friend, let me save you time, frustration and a massive, massive headache.
The easiest way to label and separate your boxes is to grab these neon bad boys! You can’t miss them.
I just designate each room a specific color and jot that down into the “Notes” section on my phone. Simply tag each box with ONE dot. If you want to do more than one, you can, just so it’s easier to see. But you can’t miss these dots! They scream at your face, lol. Which is kind of the point.
You can definitely do it the old school way of writing it out with a sharpie. But that takes literally, forever. It all blends in with each other. And, it’s less fun! We like to keep things fun around here.

Move with Confidence
These five tips are some of the most prominent tid-bits that I’ve learned over my very extensive journey of moves. Some of the packing and moving journeys, were all to move 1 mile across the street, but that’s okay! Because it brought me so much knowledge to share with you all! Use all five of these– what I like to call, “knowledge nuggets”, (including my newest favorite moving company)– to take on your next move, wether it be short or cross country, like a champ!

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