I was sweating bullets during this NASM CPT exam. Yes, it’s hard. It’s meant to be. If it weren’t, anybody and everybody would be personal trainers. However– if I can pass it on the very first attempt, so can you.
It’s true, I have a medical background. But, you can become a certified personal trainer without any medical knowledge what-so-ever.
All it takes is passion, dedication, effort and the diligence to sit down and study.
If you were to ask me a time frame to complete this course and pass successfully this is my personal experience..
I started my journey to accomplish this certification in April of 2020.
Life got in the way and I didn’t crack down and start reading my textbook or completing chapter quizzes until June 2020.
From June 2020-July 2020, the full two months, I focused on reading the textbook and online information, taking the chapter quizzes, watching the videos and using Brainscape.
Brainscape is a smarter way to study flash cards. You repeat cards that you know, less often. That way you can study cards you need to know, more often.
Watch through this Youtube video as I show you the tips, tricks and guides I used to help me learn the information and pass the NASM CPT Exam.
I hope this brings you peace of mind as you study for your NASM CPT Exam! Relax, breathe and I’m here if you have any questions!

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