I’m debunking five of my favorite myths in fitness. Why?
Because I’m walking, breathing proof that none of them are true. We’re already aware that the news and media are biased. But, the phrase “don’t always believe what you hear” applies in the fitness world as well.
Let’s get down to business!
1. I’ll Get Bulky, If I Lift Weights
Why not knock out my favorite myth first, eh?
Do you know where this myth comes from?
A lack of knowledge.
And no, I’m not being a smart aleck.
But because so many women have seen other females in the fitness industry intentionally get bulky, they think “if I pick up a weight, I’m going to get bulky and look fat”.
There are two types of women who get “bulky”.
- Those who are intentionally training with maximal strength/hypertrophy (growth) gains in mind while using a caloric surplus for gains and…
- Those who are lifting weights without doing cardio.
Don’t fret. I once thought I would get bulky as well.
Heck, I even did. Because I chose to avoid cardio. Which was a HUGE mistake. But, looking back, I learned from it and know what NOT to do in order to gain lean muscle and look toned.
If you know what you’re doing, by researching or reaching out to myself to become your personal trainer.. YOU. WILL. NOT. GET. BULKY.
I promise. And I’m a woman of my word.
2. Cardio First, Then Weights
Do you know how many times, as a trainer and friend, that I get told this by women?
And men.
Let me stop you while you’re ahead of yourself.
This is one of the BIGGEST myths that is without a shadow of a doubt, false.
Yes, you can become a cardio bunny and run your heart out on a treadmill or elliptical, to burn all of those extra calories.
However, lean muscle burns more fat than cardio alone.
And did you know that when you’re not training and properly taking care of your muscles themselves, that your body burns those for energy, or “fat loss”, as well?!
By combining myth #1 and myth #2, that I’ve mentioned..
No wonder women are scared to get in the gym.
It’s dire that you combine the two, strength training and cardio, into your workout routines in order to see progression of fat loss and toned muscle.
I’ve combined both methods in my at home and gym fitness guides.
3. Washboard Abs Without Proper Nutrition
Abs are indeed made in the gym. But, they’re sculpted in the kitchen.
You can train your abdominal muscles seven days of the week if that’s what your heart is set on. (Yes, that’s actually a terrible idea… but you do you, boo.)
However, if you’re eating Twinkies, McDonald’s fries and frozen slushies every day… you are more than likely… almost 100%, not going to see ab definition.
Because friend, in order for your ab muscles to come through in the cute new bikini you got.. you HAVE to be in a caloric deficit to burn the fat sitting ontop of it. And no, you cannot spot train fat away (which leads me into myth four and five in a minute.)
Now, if you choose to eat a Twinkie and if it fits within your macronutrient allowance for the day…. “GOOD FOR YOU, GLEN COCO”…
You just learned how to balance a normal life while chasing a physique goal.
Now, I’m going to group myth four and five together. Because, they go hand in hand.
4. “Burn Belly Fat” With This…. 5. Special Pill
Okay, am I the only one who see’s red flags in these two myths?!
One, a so called “special pill” is a gimmick to con you out of your money.
There is no magic pill or supplement that will EVER make you lose fat without you having to do something else, simultaneously.
Now, there are supplements to help enhance your thermogenic effect of your body (which raises your core temp, etc. bunch of scientific mumbo jumbo) and other chemical processes, in order to burn extra calories.
But you must be working out, in addition to eating a well balanced diet… within a specific calorie range.
I don’t care if you only have fat deposited in your midsection or thighs.
Just because you do an inner leg workout three days a week, or 100 crunches a night, does not mean that your body “knows” to burn the fat in that specific area. Your body burns fat cells from everywhere in your body.
You can grow and tone these muscles in specific regions of your body, but you cannot pick and choose where your fat sheds from.
I’m praying that between my honesty and your search of what works best to transform your body, that you learned none of these myths listed above will do you any good. Trust me, I tried them all before actually learning how our bodies function and what makes them develop in the way that they do.

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