Ah, baby steps. We all know it, you already know what I’m going to say don’t you?
“Rome wasn’t built in a day”. It’s the truth when it comes to anything in life. Fitness isn’t any different. We have a goal. We have a vision at the end of the tunnel we’re staring down and nine times out of ten, we want it now. Pump the breaks babygirl.
If you jump all in at once, you’ll smack the ground instead of landing on your feet.
Slow habit changes last longer than drastic changes
Yes, you read it correctly.
That’s not quite what you wanted to hear was it?
I know it’s not because you were me, four years ago. Four years ago, I wanted the quickest fixes to drop the most weight as fast as I could.
I thought that’s what would make me the happiest. I was wrong.
I’ve done every diet known to man any this point.
I’ve keto’ed, I’ve counted the carbs, I’ve watched the grains, breads, pastas and everything in between. But do you know what happens when you lose the fifty pounds and decide to go back to a normal life again?
That’s not an opinion. That’s a fact. Keto and every other “fad diet” that promises dramatic weightloss and change is not sustainable for a lifestyle change. You may see women who have been doing keto for years.
Inevitably, keto can actually be harmful to your kidneys and body. I’m not giving medical advice. That’s also fact from my years in the medical field and also tons and tons of research.
Start with baby steps. Literally
Every week, I want you to change ONE, yes one, thing about your daily habits.
- Swap one soda for a water
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator
- Park further in the parking lot
- Go on a walk once a week after your day
The options are endless. Pick something each week and chase it.
Master it. Then move on to the next.
Baby steps lead to big victories
Things will steadily start to change. Inches will fade away. Jeans will get more loose. You’ll be less out of breath.
If you try to do too much at one time, I promise you will burn out. I’m speaking from experience on everything I say to you.
Changing too much at once will be a life changing halt and you have a greater chance of it being too overwhelming and wanting to quit.
- Don’t set yourself up for failure.
- Be smart.
- Don’t over do it.
- Don’t switch from all junk food straight into salads.
- Start week one in the gym as a slow transition.
Comment your thoughts!