Let’s talk toxicity.
We all have people in our life that in some way bring negative energy. Whether it be attitudes, their perspective on life, the way they talk, tone in their voices or their actions; somehow it feels as if every moment of time that they are in your environment, the atmosphere becomes quite negative. You may feel as if all they do is complain or talk in such negative ways, that it ends up leaving you feeling worse than before they came around.
This. Is. Toxic.
No matter who they are to you in life, no one should have to be around this kind of person.
Personal Experience with Toxicity
I’ve been in this scenario before. More than once, I hate to admit. It seems like it’s really hard to get this kind of person out of your life. However, speaking from personal experience when I’m away from that kind of environment things just feel much more positive. When you’re around people like this it’s very easy for it to affect your feelings, the kind of day you’re having or the things you choose to partake in.
Surround yourself with the kind of people or environment that you want to reflect.
Growing up, my parents always told me to choose my friends wisely. They always used to tell me that you become what you surround yourself with.
Even though I never wanted to admit that they were right, they clearly were. Which is something I feel like a lot of us become more aware of the older we get. (Sorry mom and dad 😬)
I found myself in some friendships where even though my conscience was telling me that the way this person was acting wasn’t the best, I still chose to hang around them anyways.
After a few months, I would slowly catch myself becoming a reflection of them. And I hated it. I didn’t want people recalling me as that type of person.
This is only one example of how easy it is for time and what you choose to be around, to eventually become a characteristic of who you are leading to toxicity.
Ask yourself, “Is this what I want to be known for?”
What do you think of when you hear toxicity?
Harmful. Bad. Damaging to your health. You see where I’m going here.
You can try to make people more aware of the kind of energy they’re putting out. Although, as I’m sure most of us have experienced, a majority of people don’t want to admit that they’re part of the negative environment. It’s hard when people tell you something about yourself and a lot of people refuse to believe it or are in denial. It becomes a pride thing. It’s about learning to put your ego aside and take constructive criticism.
Which takes a lot of self awareness to accept.
However, the world we live in today a lot of people don’t have the strength to understand and reflect on that.
Are they capable of change?
Let me say this first.. No one, and I mean NO ONE wants to change, unless they want to do it for themselves. Say that with me again.
No one wants to change, unless they want to change for themselves.
Well, how do you know this, Megan?
I’ve always been the person who tries to see the good in people.
I’ve always somehow found myself in situations to where I find a broken person and I try to make them better. It’s really a double edge sword having the kind of personality that I do.
I’m not saying I’m some sort of saint. But because I have such a big heart and only want good for people, I never want to see someone struggling.
I found myself around people with abusive personalities, drug addictions and family backgrounds that have led to dependency issues. Unfortunately this is just an environment that people have grown up to know.
No one’s perfect though. Myself included. I have things that have become a known environment for me. It’s something that I’m always aware of and I try to improve on.
When someone is self-aware and wants to have the drive to become a determined and better person that is the kind of person who is capable of change.
You can’t go into somebody’s life expecting them to change everything that they are just because you see the downfall of it and they are more blind to it.
From personal experience I’ve learned that it will get you nowhere. This kind of thinking is a characteristic of a toxic person. You have to become selfish when it comes to stuff like this in your life and know that your happiness is worth more than trying to stay in someone else’s life just to make them have a better situation.
I’ve had to walk away from people that I’ve known and loved solely because the type of person that they were, was negatively impacting my life.
Avoid toxicity at all costs. I promise your life will THRIVE.
Read Transformation Derived from Hitting Rock Bottom if you happen to question my credibility, lol.
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