More than likely, if you’ve landed on this blog it’s because you’re searching for that desire to continue chasing a goal or dream that you’ve had your mind set on, for a while now. However, something always ends up happening to deter you off track. It happens to all of us. Before we get into the gold here, we first need to cover the basics of what self motivation is in the first place. It’s important that we cover the basics of
- what self motivation means
- the theories surrounding motivation
- if you can even teach motivation to someone
- what to do when self motivation fails
And I’ve even given you a quote of my own to remember when times get tough. Because, I’ve been there.
The motivation roller coaster. I know what it’s like. It’s not fun.
It’s frustrating, exhausting beyond measure and it makes you want to scream.
But stick with me through this, read these tips and follow up with my other posts on self motivation including this one, The Truth About Prioritizing Fitness with a Busy Lifestyle, that you’ll find extremely beneficial. I cover just about any topic you can think of regarding overcoming obstacles and there’s even a podcast episode ( where I was being interviewed as a guest ) attached where you can listen straight from the site while you browse.
In these examples, I’ll be referencing fitness. However, replace fitness and it’s synonyms with your specific situation and imagine how this pertains to your life.
Let’s go ahead and start!

What “self motivation” means
Alot of people think it takes daily motivation to live a habitual “fit” lifestyle. When in reality, that’s not the case at all. I would say, that on average, 8 out of 10 clients I talk to, tell me that they lack the “umph” it takes to actually start going to the gym, eating more nutritiously or what have you.
By way of, motivation literally means providing a reason to act a certain way.
I want to break that sentence down for a second.
When I read that, instantly I get the sense that I NEED a “reason” to “act” in order to become a healthier or better version of myself. Do you technically need a reason to get your shit straight? Or do you want to do it? Do you have a burning desire to do it?
Now, I get it. Not all people are born to love the gym and fitness in general. And for some people, it takes getting a massive health scare to get their butts into the gym in the first place. For your specific situation, it might be almost losing your current job to make you realize what you’re even doing with your life.
However, I don’t ever want anyone to feel as though they have to act nor convince themselves that they should be starting something that they absolutely dread. If you need the self motivation to wake up every day just to go the job that you’re at, I feel like maybe we should do a little bit more digging into what would make YOU happier. No one deserves to hate going into a job every day. That’s miserable.
Just like no one should HATE going to the gym. There are SO MANY amazing benefits to working out and living a healthy lifestyle in general. Check out this post I did a while back, which focuses on benefits of exercises that are actually appealing. Eleven of them, to be exact. One of them being that it actually increases your daily energy.
Did you know that?!

Can self motivation be negative?
Can motivation be negative? Ever heard of Khloe Kardashian’s show, Revenge Body?
Yes, all-in-all, it’s meant to have an overall positive outlook and outcome.
However, what’s the driving source of the “so called”, self motivation?
Anger. Spite. Regret. Fear. Damage. Literal, revenge.
Towards someone, something or some time in their past life.
To me, that just doesn’t seem healthy. To channel the desire of change all because of… someone else.
The comprehensive idea of wanting to radically change your life is FANTASTIC.
If and only if, that driving force, is yourself.
Because you, my friend, are worth it. You are enough. No, you don’t need an ex. You don’t need a shitty parent. And you definitely don’t need a bully from high school or the gazillion Twinkies you ate out of feelings– to be the source of your self motivation.
It takes YOU, realizing that YOU– ARE. WORTH. IT.

Motivation to lose weight
This is an “in between the last point and the next point” because it correlates exactly in that way.
Most of us have some sort of reason to want to lose weight, want to tone up, want to get healthier or just want to look better in general. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.
However, don’t let your driving force be an external source.
I’m going to say it bigger for my friends in the back, so it’s not missed.
Don’t let your driving force, be an external source.
Megan Kelsey
This is where diving deep, doing some soul searching and REALLY finding what it is you want and are chasing is what matters.
If you want to shed some extra pounds you gained after the holidays? GREAT! Do it for you.
Are you wanting to see some more muscle definition in your arms because YOU liked the way it felt and looked when you lifted heavier things last summer in the scorching heat? EVEN BETTER! Go for it friend.
I encourage it! And I’ll be here for you every single step of the way. Just promise me to never lose that thought and focus of self motivation– it’s called self, for a reason!!

What motivation theory is the best and can motivation be taught?
I’m going to kill two birds with one stone with this one. No one can or ever will be able to TEACH you how to be motivated.
It’s honestly why I get so frustrated when I get asked this question. Not because I get asked, or because of the person asking. I know its a GENUINE ISSUE.
It’s because there is legitimately no way to ever teach anyone how to be motivated. It’s just like a reference to someone’s character. They’re either born with the traits of being a “go getter” or someone who would rather sit back and watch others win the trophy.
Just like I explained earlier in the definition of motivation:
Motivation is a reasoning to act a certain way.
So — Here’s my solution to that.
AND THIS IS KEY. Don’t miss this.
Ask yourself the following questions after the word….. Why:
- do I want this?
- am I even considering this as a new avenue in my life?
- am I tired of being exhausted?
Do the same with… What:
- is it that I’m missing out on?
- would I benefit from if I stuck this out?
- things in my life would radically change?
And the same with… How:
- do I want to spend my days that I do have here on Earth?
- can I better myself by making this step?

Listen in to my podcast chat with Ryann Linthicum– therapist, fitness enthusiast and coffee lover– as her guest, where I go into this in full detail on WHY finding your WHY is so important, here.
When motivation fails
MY FAVORITE PART!!! When motivation fails, it hasn’t really “failed”. That just means you’ve used your motivation to get started ( GOOD FOR YOU! ) and now is the time for the d-e-d-i-c-a-t-i-o-n — to kick in sister!
Dedication is what is actually takes to maintain a sustainable, long term, healthy “fit” lifestyle.
I say fit in quotations, because fit is a relative term.
As long as you are physically healthy, you are beautiful the way you are.
The body you feel MOST comfortable in, is what’s important.
It’s not about being the skinniest, the most toned, the smallest in the room or the one who’s wearing the tinniest sized jeans– it’s ALL about how you feel on the inside that matters.
When you’re happy, confident and beaming on the inside-
All of that will radiate outward and I promise you, EVERYONE, will see the difference in you!
Motivational quotes

Take all of these tips I’ve given you and really apply them to your life. Don’t just let them soak through your eyeballs as another piece of advice. If you follow these and use them, I guarantee you, not only will you FIND the motivation you’ll KEEP the motivation and nail anything you have your mind and sight set on.
Chat soon,

Comment your thoughts!