This post is all about how to do a life detox.

I don’t know about you, but I feel like sometimes our lives just need a refresher, a clean slate or just an all-out detox to be “wiped clean”. Between the stress that work, relationships, family, friends, and hobbies can put on our lives … life, in general, can get overwhelming.
I’m bringing you some of my all-time favorite ways to do a life detox! From social media, to cleaning out your phone and closets, you’re sure to feel mentally and emotionally refreshed after! You might even feel encouraged to show others in your life how to do life a detox!
How to Do a Life Detox:
Clean Out All Old Phone Contacts
Okay, this detox I’m actually super giddy about.
There’s nothing like wiping your hands clean of someone, like deleting all of their contact information from your phone. Be it an ex, a hook up, a friendship gone bad, old coworkers you don’t even speak to anymore… you get the vibe.
What’s the point of having all of this bad juju in our phones anyway?
Unless you just plan on reaching out to someone to grab lunch, that’s one thing. But I guarantee you, sixty percent of us have contacts in our phone that we haven’t even spoken to in over a year.
Get rid of em, friend.
Erase Old Emails
While on the topic of technology detoxing, let’s talk email, shall we?
YALL.. I erased over 1,200 emails the other day. Why do we let these pile up in our inboxes? I know that I’m guilty of reading an email and closing out of the app on my phone, without even deleting it.
This is such a bad habit to get into. It not only ties up storage on our phones and iCloud, it’s literally just junk sitting there cluttering our lives.
Unfriend/Unfollow Unneeded People
MAN. That was alot of “U”s, lol.
Anywho, how many times are we scrolling through our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or whatever other social media we’re using these days and come across someone negative or drama filled?
If they bring you angst, disgust or boredom.. why are you following them?
You don’t need that kind of negative energy in your life. It’s actually one of the most satisfying feelings.. to go through and click unfriend or unfollow on those who just don’t bring any benefit to your life anymore.
This world is crazy and drama filled enough without Kim Kardashians or the politic police.
Say buh-bye to ’em, babe. Hashtag, detox.
Toxic Relationships
I’ve already covered a whole topic on toxicity and how you can avoid it in your life. If you missed it, go read that link. 😉
No one deserves to put up with people who drag them down. Life is full of ups and downs. Toxic people bring a negative atmosphere to our lives and it is SO DRAINING.
Don’t put up with that friend. Life is way too short.
Combat Bad Habits
Now, is as best of time as ever, right?
I mean what are ya waiting for? We’re detoxing all of the other crap out of our lives. We might as well kick the bad habits out, right along with them.
Smoking? Quit.
Eating only junk food? Your poor insides, take care of them!
Biting your fingernails? We need to find you a way to relax.
Don’t worry I’ve literally done the latter of the two. Zero judgment!
The list goes on. Write out a list of all of your bad habits that you want to knock out.
Don’t wait until January 1st.
Start now.
Make A List of Things You Enjoy
The bad habits are gone now, correct?
Great! Let’s start a list of GOOD habits. Things that bring you joy and happiness. Life is really all about bringing positive vibes and thoughts to fruition.
**TIME OUT- Did y’all know that for the longest time, I thought that was pronounced “fruit”-“tion”?! Haha how embarrassing. I just had to share with y’all.**
Surround yourself with uplifting and empowering people, thoughts, music, tv shows.. everything. I’ve incorporated this into my daily routine over the past few years and it has made a tremendous difference on my attitude and outlook on life.
Do A Deep Clean
When’s the last time you “spring cleaned” your place?
The spring before this past spring? Exactly.
Your body will literally thank you for the health detox, as well. Grab ALL of the cleaning tools and let’s get down to business.
Do you know that great feeling after everything is spotless? That fresh scent, the shining counter tops, sparkling mirrors– YES. That’s what we’re after.
A few years ago, when I was stressed and going through my divorce.. I would literally throw things wherever they landed. Clothes, shoes, dishes in the sink.
That only took my anxiety up about a thousand notches. Stay ontop of your oasis. That’s exactly what it should be. A place of peace, comfort and rest. So keep it looking in tip top shape!
Throw Out Old Products
Did you know that things have expiration dates on them? That’s a genuine question, lol. I’ve come across people’s pantries before (cause y’all know I’m a foodie!) and these “non-parishables” expired THREE YEARS AGO.
People… that’s gross. Yes, me allowing a few dishes to sit in the sink when I was 23 was lazy. But allowing things to pile up for years without even trying to eat it? Yeah, we’ll leave those thoughts right there.
Look at your makeup and beauty products! Down at the bottom it will have a little container with a certain number of months on it. That’s how long you’re supposed to keep it once opened.
Mind blown? Yeah, I was too. That was never a life lesson in high school. There’s no telling how many products I used for months or years after I was supposed to! Blekkk.
Switch to Natural Products
Over the past few years, I’ve started to pay attention to what I’m using on a daily basis and where it comes from. Being aware of what’s inside a product you use is so beneficial. Who would want to use chemicals that we can’t even pronounce?
Opt for natural products that work just as well! If you’re hesitant, use this app that I found and LOVE! It’s called “Think Dirty“.
It gives you a rating of the products based on what’s used to create them. Pretty nifty!
Last, but not least…
Donate Your Old Clothes
I’ve told myself time and time again that I was going to go through my closet and get rid or at least thirty percent of the items in there.
Have I done it? No.
Is it on my to-do list for? YES!
Neat trick. Turn your hangers all one direction whenever you reorganize your closet. (That would drive me bonkers anyways if they weren’t all facing the same direction.. yes, I have slight OCD tendencies.)
After you wear and wash said item, put it on the hanger in the opposite direction. When a year comes up and you haven’t worn the clothes that are still hanging backwards, you know it’s time to toss them out!
Quick Benefits to a Life Detox
Now that we’ve gone through 10 amazing steps to completing a life detox, let’s highlight some of the best benefits real quick..
- Less stress
- Declutter
- Non-haunting negative presence
- Healthier alternatives
- Help those in need and less fortunate
- Breathe cleaner air
- Save storage space
I bet we could come up with MANY more benefits. But I’ll leave it at that for now!
Take all of these life detox’s and knock some of them out this weekend!
Start next week and this new fall season with a fresh, clean slate. You’ll be so thankful that you did, friend!
This post was all about how to do a life detox.

Comment your thoughts!