It would be amazing if we could go through life without any setbacks. But then again, would we learn all of the life lessons we’re supposed to if we didn’t have them?
Any kind of setback, sucks. Let’s be honest. Especially when you aren’t expecting them. They’re not easy to deal with, they can hurt or they can even make you feel pushed back to question your path. But we can either dwell on it, or we can use it to our benefit.
Setbacks Teach Us Gratefulness
I feel like any time we have a setback, it makes us look at all of the things around us. Moments like these are what teach us to be thankful for the things we DO have in spite of dwelling on the things we thought we might want.
Take some time to reflect and wrist a list of the things you’re glad that you have. We tend to forget how much we’ve actually been blessed with.
Setbacks Give Us Reality Checks
Have we ever stopped to think that possibly the whole purpose of a setback is make us do a self reflection?
To become aware of the things we’re actually doing on a day-to-day basis.
Maybe there are things that we should change to get to be able to get to the next step in life. Possibly, it’s for us to re-evaluate our wants and desires. Be it a life partner, a job, a move to a different state, a clean slate.
Take advantage of this door shutting in your face to gauge what it is you truly crave out of life.
Setbacks Build Character
I don’t know about you, but every time a setback has occurred, I’ve personally grown from it.
Whether it be a characteristic, spiritually, financially or career-wise.
I’ve taken something away from every single thing that’s happened to me in life.
I’ve come out stronger because of something new that I’ve experienced. Whether I liked it or not. Have you read what’s gotten me to where I am today? If you haven’t, make sure you go and read this. I pulled myself out of that dark place by using these three thoughts.
“What is this teaching me?”
“How is this helping me?”
“What is this preventing me from?”
Thinking about it in that aspect will radically change your perspective.
A New Door WILL Open
As hard as it may seem for us to get this through our heads, a new gateway stands in front of us.
If there’s anything I’ve learned about life, it’s that we can’t plan it.
And I promise you, the moment you try to plan your life, a curveball will be thrown your way.
I swear, it’s as if that happens every time I think I have life figured out.
But instead of moping in the drawback, I’ve taken it as a learning lesson. I’ve come to learn from it and grow from it and I challenge you to do the same.

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