Everyone has that one person on their list that seems impossible to gift. This post is a foolproof way to find the best gifts for night shift workers. Navigating the holidays can be especially difficult for night shift workers with strange work hours and sleep cycles. I used to work night shifts in the hospital, which are NOT easy! As night shift workers, they have a set of unique needs.
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" alt="" data-id="5567" width="729" data-init-width="1200" height="486" data-init-height="800" title="best gifts for night shift workers" loading="lazy" src="https://beyoutifulsouls.blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/best-gifts-for-night-shift-workers.jpg" data-width="729" data-height="486" style="aspect-ratio: auto 1200 / 800;" />I'm here to guide you into gifting the essentials for night shift workers to make their life a little easier! I've done the hard work of finding the best practical gifts for night shift workers so you don't have to. So forget the cute Etsy night shift shirts, these are gifts they'll ACTUALLY use. Whether you're shopping for yourself or a loved one, look no further for the ultimate night shift worker gifts!
Best Gifts for Night Shift Workers:
1. Technology Gifts for Night Shift Workers
The more advanced we get in technology, the less you can go wrong with gifting incredible gifts like these below!
White Noise Machine
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B07RWRJ4XW&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B07RWRJ4XW" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />White noise machines are one of the best gift ideas you could grant a night shift worker! Sometimes coming home and turning your mind off after a shift is hard. The beauty in a white noise machine is that it projects soothing sounds while using a delayed timer.
Light therapy device
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B0983HQYD3&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B0983HQYD3" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />Having an opposite schedule from most people can disrupt your circadian rhythm. A light therapy lamp can provide benefits such as increased energy, better mental health, and improved sleep. This specific light therapy lamp has adjustable brightness, 4 timers and 3 color options! All with a beautiful look of the moon!
Noise Cancelling Headphones
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B07NM3RSRQ&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B07NM3RSRQ" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />Whether it's on a break at work or drowning out lawnmowers at 8 in the morning, these noise-canceling headphones remove distractions preventing your night shift worker from winding down. With a 5-star rating out of 68,000+ reviews and a 40-hour play time, these headphones are a great gift all while maintaining your budget!
Kindle Paperwhite
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B0BN4WSB9K&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B0BN4WSB9K" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />Sometimes on the night shift, you have downtime. If your night shift worker loves to read, gift them with a Kindle paperwhite. It prevents them from carrying around a ton of books all while leaving out the blue light from an iPad or mobile device. This essentials kit comes with a charging block for extended power and a case to protect the screen and device from drops or scratches.
smart mug
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B07Z5HHD52&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B07Z5HHD52" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />The Ember Smart Mug comes in eight different colors with population options like: copper, rose gold, white and black. This smart mug is a perfect gift idea for night shift workers. It's a 10oz mug with an 80-minute battery life. It keeps coffee at the preferred temperature of 120ยฐF - 145ยฐF and sits on a charging coaster. Any coffee lover with DIE for this gift!
philips hue light bulbs
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B0BZS38KNQ&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B0BZS38KNQ" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />I cannot, cannot, cannot suggest these light bulbs ENOUGH! The Philips Hue Light System has been life-changing for me! I hate harsh lighting and having access to the brightness and color selection helps me feel like I can see without the harshness of bright fluorescent lighting. The bridge connects to your Wi-Fi router in order to work seamlessly with all of the bulbs.
You can dim all or some of the lights with your mobile app. AND it includes a dimmer switch! This is an excellent gift for night shift workers because they can come home, shut their black-out curtains, and dim the lights to a warm hue allowing them to adjust from the sunlight.
badge bright
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B0BVJGGFSN&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B0BVJGGFSN" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />The Badge Bright is a retractable and rechargeable badge reel that is a must-have gift! It's light and erases the need for a handheld flashlight or fumbling for the flashlight icon on a phone. This is one of the best nurse gifts due to its durability and dual-purpose badge clip! If you like the idea of this, but want something different than the badge reel, check out the ClipGlow nurse light.
amber book light
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B07WNRN9WQ&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B07WNRN9WQ" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />Nothing is more irritating than removing a book light every time you have to flip a page while reading. The Glocuscent LED Neck Reading Light is beyond convenient with its hands-free capabilities while providing bright light to see each page. It has 6 brightness levels and 3 different colors of light. With its rechargeable and long-lasting battery, this night shift gift idea is the perfect technology gift!
portable oven
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B09NXHPX17&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B09NXHPX17" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />Alright, I know what you're thinking.. "Megan, a portable oven, really?!" YESSSSS, really!! I can't tell you how many times I had to heat up a delicious leftover meal from dinner in the microwave... YUCK. We all know that some foods are just better in the oven! Presenting you with the portable oven!! This is surprisingly a budget friendly gift idea coming in under $50!
It's lightweight, does a tremendous job at heating the food while keeping the exterior cool to the touch and has an insulated interior in case the user needs to step away after it's done cooking! Just plug into any wall outlet or even a car "cigarette lighter".
robot vacuum
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B08C4LC7TG&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B08C4LC7TG" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />THIS. GEM. A self-emptying robot vacuum cleaner with an average rating of 5 stars.. sign me up! Trying to stay onto of life while working the night shift is hard. Dishes pile up, laundry needs washing and the floors need cleaning. The last thing a lot of us want to do is sweep and vacuum the floor. Well, this iRobot Roomba smart maps itself around the house, empties its own compartment and even works with Alexa. I couldn't imagine a better gift!
2. Gifts to Help Night Shift Workers Unwind
Like I mentioned previously, learning how to unwind after a long night shift can be tough. All of these creative gift ideas for night shift workers are items that I stand by, have used myself and swear to for a deeper sleep during the day!
essential oil diffuser
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B07LBQR3QY&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B07LBQR3QY" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />Close your eyes and envision walking into a spa while taking a deep breath in through the nose... THAT experience is what we're gifting your night shift worker. Our senses help control a lot of the ways our brains process. Stimulating your nose with essential oil scents is an immediate relaxation technique. This is a quiet 5-in-1 essential oil diffuser and humidifier. It has 7 LED light options and a safety auto-off switch. It's BPA-free and has a 10-hour working time.
Sleep mask
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B07KC5DWCC&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B07KC5DWCC" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />I would not have made it through the night shift without a sleep mask. Once you're off shift, the sun is already up and beaming SO bright. Black-out curtains help but this is the secret. This five-star rated sleep mask has a concave effect to block out light. If you're going to invest in a sleep mask, jump for this one. Don't go for the thin, stiff silk ones that mask your nose too. This memory foam cushioned eye mask goes above the nose and has top-quality fabric.
night shift care package
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Wow, this night shift care package is absolutely adorable! Whenever I come across cute coffee or wine cups like these, I can't help but chuckle. And the addition of a shot glass just takes it to the next level! A care package is such a considerate gift, especially when it's filled with all the items someone needs to unwind and relax. Plus, you can never have too many chapsticks, pens, or hair ties, right? ๐
eye mask
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B07L9YL7NX&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B07L9YL7NX" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />Tired dry eyes are definitely a common issue for night shifters. These eye masks are not meant for sleeping but for rejuvenation. The self steaming eye masks don't require a microwave and they last longer than microwavable ones, around 30-40 minutes of warmth. As soon as you take them out of the package, they start to warm. These disposable eye masks are great for puffy eyes and make a great present!
mental wellbeing app
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" alt="" data-id="5650" width="300" data-init-width="300" height="300" data-init-height="300" title="calm app" loading="lazy" src="https://beyoutifulsouls.blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/calm-app-2.png" data-width="300" data-height="300" style="aspect-ratio: auto 300 / 300;" />I really enjoy using the Calm app as it offers so many features. The app has different platforms such as meditation and sleep, which are the most popular options. There are also calming sounds available, making it a perfect gift for someone who loves to sleep with soothing sounds! The sleep section includes sleep stories with guest narrators such as Matthew McConaughey.
gift certificate
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" alt="" data-id="5652" width="300" data-init-width="300" height="300" data-init-height="300" title="spa gift certificate" loading="lazy" src="https://beyoutifulsouls.blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/spa-gift-certificate.png" data-width="300" data-height="300" style="aspect-ratio: auto 300 / 300;" />A gift certificate to the best local spa house is one of the best ways to unwind! Not everyone likes the idea of getting pampered, but if your night shift worker enjoys the calming environment of a spa, gift them with a gift card or gift certificate! I've never been upset by receiving a free massage!!
aromatherapy packs
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B08BC88KG1&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B08BC88KG1" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />I find the scent of eucalyptus to be very calming and soothing. These shower aromatherapy packs are incredibly convenient for relaxation. They contain natural essential oils that are released in the steam from the shower, making for a very relaxing experience. Personally, I prefer taking showers over baths, so these shower bombs are a great alternative to bath bombs.
deep tissue massager
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B08MLB2B4H&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B08MLB2B4H" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />We use this SO much at home! If you don't have the budget to get regular massages, this sucker is ideal for getting out those pesky knots! With 7 different attachment heads, you can target different muscle groups. It's super quiet and has TWENTY different speeds. This is also on the list for budget friendly gift ideas!!
cryo ball
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B077ZLX2TG&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B077ZLX2TG" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />One of the newest and greatest relaxation devices... the cryo ball massager! You place the cryo ball in the freezer for only 2 hours, take it out, and roll it over any sore muscles for pain relief. With its compact size, it's perfect for neck, back, shoulders and knees. The cold of the metallic ball helps with inflammation and swelling. This is incredible after a long night of work!
face masks
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B01N37AK8V&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B01N37AK8V" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />These hydrating, firming, and brightening face masks are a fantastic gift as an add-on to something you've already gotten them or as stocking stuffers for night shift workers! Hyaluronic acid helps to reduce fine lines and wrinkles while collagen boosts cell regeneration. Tell your night shift worker to place these in the fridge for a reduction in swelling or puffy eyes!
adult coloring books for relaxation
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B01MXNA1AU&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B01MXNA1AU" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />Have you ever tried coloring as an adult? It's a great way to relax and feel nostalgic. While there are many digital coloring book options available, like the Lake Coloring Books app, there's something satisfying about physically coloring and releasing tension or anxiety. Giving adult coloring books as gifts is always a safe bet.
3. Night Shift Gifts for Better Sleep
Shift workers often endure disrupted sleep and erratic schedules, making it difficult to get the rest they need to stay healthy and productive. But there is a simple and cost-effective way to make night work more comfortable and help shift workers sleep better: night shift gifts for better sleep! With the right gifts, shift workers can customize their work environment to support their sleep and overall well-being.
Blackout curtains
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B077RPXSF3&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B077RPXSF3" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />Just because they're "blackout" curtains, it doesn't mean they have to be black. So many people have an aesthetic eye when it comes to decor and throwing up black curtains, just to get the blackout effect, doesn't have to be the only option. These 5-star rated blackout curtains from Amazon have a black liner and are thermal insulated. With 30 color options, you're bound to find the perfect set of blackout curtains for your night shifter!
Weight blanket
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B092LZLLGF&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B092LZLLGF" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />The feeling a weighted blanket gives you is unlike any other. With the ability to relieve anxiety and give you a "cuddled" feel, this cooling weighted blanket is essential to better sleep! It is machine washable and made of polyester, which feels uhhhhhmazing!
tempur-pedic pillow
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B0BR5H93SY&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B0BR5H93SY" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />While this brand I've linked isn't the brand tempur-pedic, it's a heck of a lot cheaper and they work so well! We have two of these on our bed and I couldn't sleep without it. The memory foam pillow is perfect for sleeping ergonomically while keeping your head cool. It doesn't compress with the weight of your head and there are two sides for the best fit!
reusable ear plugs
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B08MFH1TTJ&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B08MFH1TTJ" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />These soft, reusable silicone earplugs are an essential sleeping gift for night shift workers! When night shift workers are going to sleep, the rest of the world is buzzing about. With cars honking, lawn mowers passing and sirens squalling having a top rated set of ear plugs is dire.
eight saints "night shift"
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B08Z1RPLQ6&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B08Z1RPLQ6" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />We all know the key to looking and feeling younger is well taken care of skin, during a deep restful sleep. Gift your night shift worker with this natural and organic "night shift" hydration gel so they'll wake up feeling refreshed. With a combination of antioxidants, peptides and vitamin C... they're sure to absolutely adore this gift!
mattress topper
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B0CBQ489CC&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B0CBQ489CC" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />Mattress toppers are extremely essential to the best sleep possible! The HomeMate Mattress topper helps to relieve back pain while keeping the bed cool. These range from twin all the way to California king. It doesn't matter how old their mattress is with his highly rated mattress topper!
4. Necessary Accessories for Making Night Shift Work
The glow of the night shift can be both exhilarating and exhausting. For those who brave the hours, having the right accessories can be a game-changer when it comes to getting through the night feeling energized, productive and safe. These are the necessary accessories that every night shift worker should have in order to make it through the night with ease.
sTanley stainless steel tumbler
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B0BQZCHFK4&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B0BQZCHFK4" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />Stanley's are THE best stainless steel tumblers on the market lately. They've been giving Yeti a run for their money. I've used both and I can say the Stanleys might be my favorite! Staying hydrated during a 12-hour shift is crucial. These come in 20 different colors! And you can also get Stanley accessories.
Compression socks
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B07YYWBMC6&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B07YYWBMC6" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />Compression socks MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Let me tell you. I can tell a huge difference on days I wear mine. My legs don't feel as heavy nor do they swell from standing on them all night. I honestly would wear them every day if I had more pair! So these are absolutely one of the best gifts for night shift workers who work long hours! These socks reduce pain, fatigue, swelling, and varicose veins!
Battery power pack
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B0C4SKBHRL&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B0C4SKBHRL" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />There's nothing like working a long shift and your phone dies. It's no secret that we're all on our phones at work more than we should be. Not only for that reason but your phone should always be charged while driving home! Having a portable power bank is something a lot of people don't think to give, but should! ๐ This portable power bank is compatible with Android and iPhone users!
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B078SMDFSB&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B078SMDFSB" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />A backpack isn't just a backpack anymore. The UGRACE Vintage Laptop Backpack is extremely spacious for laptops, clothes, books, headphones and more. This would be a great addition to the power bank I mentioned above! Your night shift worker can put their power bank into the pocket inside, run the cable out through the port and charge their phone while walking!
starbucks gift card
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B00FTGTM5E&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B00FTGTM5E" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />I can't recall one night shift I worked without stopping at Starbucks first. Caffeine is vital in surviving night shifts! Starbucks is a favorite among so many and they're located literally everywhere, lol. This is a great gift for night time health care workers!
night shift shirts
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B079G7516H&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B079G7516H" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />Hospitals are COLD. Regardless if you're running around non stop, or chilling in the break room, night shift workers are bound to be cold. These comfortable polyester long sleeve undershirts are form fitting and perfect to go under scrub tops!
post shift slides or crocs
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B093P71YN9&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B093P71YN9" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />Rosyclo Cloud Slides have CHANGED. MY. LIFE. Wearing hospital shoes in your car after work or into your house is a strict no-no!! Having an option as comfortable as these makes it easy to slip off those hospital shoes! Crocs are also a great choice, these just happen to be more aesthetically pleasing ๐
bento box
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B081P4LF73&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B081P4LF73" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />I never knew how handy Bento Boxes were!! They're perfect for keeping salads fresh or sides separated from your meats. Yes you could use a Tupperware container, but this Bentgo box keeps everything organized in one compartment including silverware.
personalized jacket
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B09CDTR57P&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B09CDTR57P" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />No one who works in the health care setting could ever have too many jackets. This warm Ink Stitch Jacket is a soft shell, fully customizable jacket. It comes in nine different color options and ranges in size from XS-4XL. This is an amazing gift idea for night shift workers!
yeti lunchbox
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B07SZ98T79&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B07SZ98T79" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />We loveeeee our Yeti lunch boxes!! This one in particular! I've seriously never seen a lunchbox keep things so cool before. This Yeti lunch box is insulated and has a thermos nap closure ensuring the contents inside stay cold! I love how it folds down to accommodate whatever you have inside.
water gallon jug
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B08FXD5SNC&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B08FXD5SNC" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />Staying hydrated is KEY to maintaining a healthy lifestyle while working night shift. This 128oz water gallon jug has timed increments to help get water down throughout the day. It has a handle with options of a chug or straw top.
blue light blocking glasses
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B085XGKBDT&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B085XGKBDT" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />I find that wearing blue light blocking glasses is extremely helpful in transitioning to a nighttime routine, especially during the day. To further protect my eyes from blue light, I always keep my phone on "night shift". It's important to avoid blue light before bedtime because it stimulates the brain and can make it harder to fall asleep quickly.
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B0BS499PNJ&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B0BS499PNJ" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />It can be a challenge to maintain a regular life and schedule while working the night shift. Scheduling appointments with doctors and organizing family events can become complicated. Incorporating a planner into the life of a night shift worker would be of great assistance in staying on track.
Amazing scrubs
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B07GSKKMSH&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B07GSKKMSH" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />There is a hugeee difference between scrubs and comfortable scrubs. I've been provided awful, crunchy and stiff scrubs and it makes me want to scream, lol. These Med Couture Jogger Scrub pants are so freakin cute and made of a polyester spandex blend. Which if you know, is the perfect combination for comfort!
meal prep subscription service
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" alt="" data-id="5667" width="300" data-init-width="300" height="300" data-init-height="300" title="meal subscription" loading="lazy" src="https://beyoutifulsouls.blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/meal-subscription.png" data-width="300" data-height="300" style="aspect-ratio: auto 300 / 300;" />Meal prep is crucial in feeling like you still have control over your health and fitness on a shift like night shift. Instead of letting them meal prep their meals themselves, gift your night shift worker with a meal prep subscription box like Blue Apron or Hello Fresh. Full meals are delivered with all of the ingredients and the recipe cards. They're easy to follow and delicious to eat!
hoka running shoes
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Hoka's have been the greatest gift I've ever gifted myself. Haha. They are like walking on a cloud. I tried the OnClouds and I was severely disappointed. The Hoka Bondi 8 running shoes have made the world of a difference in the way my feet feel after a long shift! I wouldn't ever imagine getting any other type of shoe.
5. Thoughtful Gifts for Their At-Home Workout Routine
As the world has shifted during and after the pandemic, home workouts have grown exponentially. With an estimated 51% of Americans participating in at home workouts โ a number that is only likely to increase โ finding the right gifts for those at home workouts is more important than ever. If you're looking to show your appreciation for someone's dedication to their exercise routine, here is your guide to the best gifts for any home workout enthusiast.
Yoga mat
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B01LP0UX9G&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B01LP0UX9G" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />You don't have to be a yogi to use a yoga mat! Yoga mats are perfect to cushion your joints during any home workout. This Amazon Basics yoga mat, which comes in 4 different colors, is 1/2 in EXTRA thick providing shock absorption with a textured surface for traction.
Peloton guide
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B0B2KQDP72&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B0B2KQDP72" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />Gone are the days when Peloton means biking. The Peloton Guide is an all-inclusive AI-powered personal training device. From strength training using body weight to physical weights, this device has movement tracking with guided workouts. The monthly subscription is separate but is super cheap and allows up to 5 users. This is one of the coolest fitness gifts I've seen in a long time!
adjustable dumbbells
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B0CB7N13J7&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B0CB7N13J7" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />While adjustable dumbbells may come with a higher price tag, they are definitely worth the investment. They are compact and easy to handle, making them an essential addition to any home gym. With adjustable settings, they allow for seamless weight transitions, enabling you to progress toward hypertrophy.
gaiam sliders
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B0964G1N18&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B0964G1N18" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />The Gaiam workout sliders are a versatile addition to any home gym. They're not only perfect for core workouts, but amazing leg workouts. These are such an ingenious at home fitness gift idea for night shift workers!
weighted medicine ball
<img data-lazy-fallback="1" border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&amp;ASIN=B08GP4ZQ3R&amp;Format=_SL250_&amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;WS=1&amp;tag=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US" /><img data-lazy-fallback="1" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=beyoutifulsou-20&amp;language=en_US&amp;l=li3&amp;o=1&amp;a=B08GP4ZQ3R" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />Using a weighted medicine ball can offer numerous benefits to your workout routine. The extra weight adds resistance, which can help increase muscle strength, improve coordination, and enhance overall athletic performance. Fitness gifts don't have to be expensive. This weighted medicine ball is the perfect gift idea to keep your night shift worker moving!
Working the night shift can be challenging and exhausting... finding the best gifts for night shift workers, and providing a thoughtful gift can go a long way in brightening the day of a night shift worker! With this post, we hope to have provided some helpful suggestions that will make gift-giving for night shift workers easier and more meaningful.
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