We’ve all heard it our entire lives.. “You should be exercising at least 30 minutes every day”. But for alot of us, we already have so much on our plates that exhaust us throughout our day to day lives. What if I gave you 11 attractive benefits to make exercise more appealing to you? Not only that, go check out the ways you can squeeze exercise into your already busy schedule, here.
Let’s get started with benefit numero uno, shall we?
1. Pain Relief Surrounding Joints
Yes, some of us have joints with reduced cartilage in them that make it hard to do certain things. But for the majority of us, all it takes is strengthening the muscles surrounding these joints.
By doing concentrated muscle strengthening, you can actually relieve the stress placed on your joints.
First hand experience at this one (really with all of these, but specifically this one)! It is so beneficial to build up your muscles to support your ligaments and tendons as well.
All of this will help to relieve some of the pain associated with movement including your joints.
2. Improve Bone Strength
While resistance training (aka weight lifting) mainly focuses on building your muscles, did you know in the process it also strengthens your bones, too?
This is something we can all benefit from, not even related to age.
Anyone can get injured and sustain a fracture. So why not take advantage of this extra benefit and strengthen those bones too?!
3. Muscular Function for Daily Activities
The more we sit at a desk or lay around in a recliner at home, our muscles become accustomed to those positions.
It creates new patterns and actually decreases the reaction time of your body for any daily activity.
Practicing agility exercises increased the ability and function of your muscles to catch you in a fall, stabilize yourself in a trip or make it easier for you to simply climb up the stairs without pain.
4. Mental Health and Mood
It doesn’t matter what kind of a mood I’m in. I can snap myself out of it by going for a quick jog, doing a HIIT workout or getting some anger out by lifting weights.
Our bodies release endorphins which create that “high”. You instantaneously feel uplifted.
Don’t believe me? Give it a shot. I guarantee that you’ll feel at least fifty percent better!
5. Self Confidence
Remember what I just mentioned about endorphins?
Being able to go into a workout, coming out feeling refreshed is such an amazing way to boost your self confidence.
You’re not only improving your physical health, but by powering through a workout, lifting heavier weights, or simply being proud of yourself for getting up and being active.. is a great way to make yourself more confident in who you are.
6. Create New Like Minded Friends
We all love friends, am I right?
Finding a new hobby in bettering yourself, will also bring like minded people into your life.
You can surround yourself by new people who have the same goals and activities as you do. Ever heard, surround yourself with whom you’d be proud to call a friend?
If not, now you have. Go find those new friends!
7. A New Positive Hobby
Since we mentioned a new hobby, this is a fantastic point! I can’t find one bad trait about exercise that could negatively affect your life.
Other, than an injury of course. But as long as you’re doing everything properly, you shouldn’t have any injuries.
I can list so many great assets to fitness. Can you?
There are so many “hobbies” that either aren’t productive for your life or they have a negative affect in some way.
8. Increases Energy
You might think it has the opposite affect, right?
While your body may be tired from exerting force in an exercise, it actually increases your daily energy. Especially if you choose to workout in the morning.
I not only feel more awake for my day to day to do’s, I also feel less sluggish throughout the day.
9. Improves Sleep
Yes, in part because you are putting more effort into your day. But also because you are relieving quite a bit of stress every time you exercise.
Your body is able to relax, breathe deeper and getting better oxygen flowing throughout your bloodstream.
Having all of those effects, you’re setting yourself up for a great night’s rest.
10. Reduce Heart Disease
You don’t have to be in your 50-60’s to start thinking about heart disease.
All of our daily decisions affect us in more ways than we think about.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States alone.
Somebody dies every 37 seconds from heart disease.
YALL! That’s alotttt of people! Don’t be a statistic.
11. Control Weight
“Meg, we all know this”.
Did you know sixty percent, SIXTY… of Americans are OBSESE.
Not just overweight, we’re talking obese. Which is at least thirty pounds overweight for their specific height.
Let’s all be more proactive about taking care of ourselves and our children.
I hope these are not just eye opening to you, but also ways that you can see exercise in a different light. In a way you are more drawn to making it a daily activity in your schedule!
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